Friday, 23 January 2015

Collection of unwanted green bins

South Glos Council will be collecting unwanted green bins in some parts of our area between 26 January and 16 February.

You should get a tag on your black bin one to two weeks before the day when they will be collecting green bins in your area. This is a one-off service - if you no longer want your green bin, it must be empty and put out by 7am on the given day.

If you currently receive help putting out your bins and need assistance to put your unwanted green bin out, please contact 01454 868000 or email before your removal day.

The collections are not compulsory. If you are using your green bin for another purpose you can keep it. And if you are a subscriber to the green bin collection service, make sure your bin isn't out on the given day.

Frampton Cotterell, Coalpit Heath and Westerleigh had their collections before Christmas, but many people didn't get notified as the delivery company that was suposed to be sticking leaflets through doors let the council down. For this round of collections, the council has gone back to using tags on bins. Council officials were reminded at the Waste Forum on Monday that where people's bins aren't out, the tag should be put through the door. Another collection is planned for those areas affected by the leaflet problem, we are chasing details of this.

For more information and details of green bin removal dates for individual areas please visit

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