Friday 1 July 2016

Revised plan approved for consultation

On Wednesday South Gloucestershire Council approved a revised Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan for public consultation.

The plan provides detailed planning policies that the council will use when making decisions on planning applications and also protects some of our much valued open spaces by designating them Local Green Spaces. There will be a formal consultation on the plan over the summer before it is submitted to the Secretary of State in October. A planning inspector will then consider it at an examination in February/March 2017, with the plan expected to be adopted in May next year.

Some of the open spaces that were nominated as Local Green Space could not be taken forward at this stage, including Woodlands Farm. There will be a chance to make further comments during this summer's consultation. Further green spaces could be designated in the new Local Plan, which is due to be completed during 2018 and will also allocate new land for housing and provision for travellers.

For more information about the PSP visit

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