Wednesday, 18 February 2009

More chances to have your say on health locally

The LINk is a network of local people, organisations and groups that want to make health and social care services better. Anyone who receives health or social care services in South Gloucestershire can participate in the LINk.

The LINk’s interim steering group meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. The next meeting will be on Monday March 2nd from 7pm until 9pm in the Greenfield Centre, Park Avenue, Winterbourne. This meeting will be attended by Mike Henessey from South Gloucestershire Council who will be talking about the new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for South Gloucestershire. This is the paper that will set out the local authority’s strategy for providing services to everyone living in South Gloucestershire. To hear more about it and how you can voice your views during the consultation come to this meeting.

Other meetings include:

  • Community Care and Housing Group on Thursday February 19th from 2pm until 4pm at the Shire Way Community Association, Shire Way, Yate

  • Acute and Community Hospitals Group on Friday February 20th from 10am until 12pm at Emersons Green Village Hall, Emersons Way, Emersons Green. This group will be looking at the acute and community hospital services being developed across South Gloucestershire, including developments at Cossham Hospital in Kingswood, Yate, Thornbury and of course Frenchay hospital.

  • NHS South Gloucestershire (South Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust) on Tuesday February 24th from 2pm until 4pm in Shire Way Community Association. This will assess all the services that NHS South Gloucestershire is responsible for (including chiropody services, dental services, local physiotherapy services, vision services and the 5-year strategic plan) and take the views of the local community back to NHS South Gloucestershire.

  • Direct Payments on Wednesday February 25th from 2pm until 4pm at The Park Centre, High Street, Kingswood. Some changes are being made to the way direct payments are being funded. If you receive direct payments, care for someone who does or are involved in any way this group would value your participation and input. This group will run for a limited time only until individualised budgets are in place.

  • Mental Health Services Group on Monday March 9th from 10am until 12pm at Filton Folk Centre, Elm Park, Filton.

There is also the C-LINk Group specifically for the Chinese community in South Gloucestershire.

If you would like to join any of these groups or find out when they're meeting again please contact Sarah Booker on 0117 9589349 or email

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