Tuesday 5 April 2011

Charfield Station and Falfield Park and Share?

South Gloucestershire Council has now submitted to the Secretary of State its proposals for how and where development will take place up until 2026 - the "Core Strategy". These proposals will be considered by a Government Inspector at a public inquiry expected in June or July.

The Core Strategy includes proposals for investigation into a rail station at Charfield and a Park and Share site at Falfield. Last year your FOCUS TEAM carried out a survey to find out local views about a station. Local Councillor Sandra O'Neil, along with her husband, John, are considering the responses, both written and on-line along with discussions they have had with local residents and will report the general views in FOCUS.

Sandra is hoping that the proposals for a Park and Share site will come forward as soon as possible. "The informal lay-by at the bottom of Tortworth Hill is an eyesore and is clearly nowhere big enough to meet the need. Drivers are parking their cars in various parts of Falfield and leaving them there all day. It is great that so many people are car sharing but they need somewhere safe that doesn't cause problems for local residents," she points out.