Tuesday 19 May 2015

Statement regarding the Manor Hall and Coalpit Heath Pre-School

Wendy Silcock, a parent of a child at Coalpit Heath Pre-School, has made a proposal which is currently being considered by the trustees and the owner of the Pre-School. She has made the following statement on behalf of both parties, which we agreed to help publicise:

To Parents of Pre-school children and fellow Parishioners
I don’t have to remind you that a lot has happened over the last few months which has led to a break down in the working relationship between the Coalpit Heath Pre-school and the Management of Manor Hall.  At the heart of this maelstrom stand a group of children who just need relaxed, happy Pre-school provision.  I am looking for your support in my endeavours to frame a more acceptable situation to be in place for them in September. 

As a priority I wish to support the smooth transition between Pre-school and ‘big school’ for this year’s leavers.  It is the least the children deserve and our responsibility as adults is to ensure this.  Secondary to this I am seeking to facilitate a less stressful environment for the remaining children at the Pre-school.

I am releasing this statement with the full consent of both Pre-school and Trustees with whom negotiations are in progress.  These negotiations are private, not secret and joint statements will be released at the appropriate times.

With your forbearance I hope you will allow me to pursue this objective unfettered by negative emotions and comment.  In return I promise to be transparent regarding the results of any progress made.  I realise this is asking for a lot of trust from all concerned but can assure you that my motivation is to act on behalf of the children of our community.

I respectfully request that if you wish to make comment about this that you do so directly to me via Manor Hall or Pre-school as I will not be responding to any fb posts at this time. 
Wendy Silcock
On behalf of Coalpit Heath Pre-school and Trustees of Manor Hall”

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