Wednesday 7 October 2015

Ram Hill bus concerns

At last week's Safer and Stronger Community Group meeting, local beat manager PC Finbar Simmons reported back on the concerns raised at the previous meeting that buses were speeding on Ram Hill.

Between them, the police and Community Speed Watch visited Ram Hill nine times to check the speed of buses. Because they weren’t trying to gather evidence with regards to prosecution, they could do it more discretely, and they tried a number of different positions, including on the steep hill. Eight buses were found to be doing under 30mph, one other was slightly over but still below the enforcement level.

The conclusion was that although there is a perception they are speeding, perhaps because of their size on a comparatively narrow road, there is no evidence they are routinely doing so.

There is still the question of whether 30mph is appropriate on this road. Prior to raising this issue on behalf of residents at the last meeting, ward councillor Claire Young had asked highways officials at South Glos to add investigating a possible 20mph limit on this road to the list of highways schemes to be considered for future selection. That is a long process though, even once a scheme is selected. In the meantime, if you have any views, please contact Claire.

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